Google Reviews

Get Your First 100 Google Reviews: A Guide Based on Customer Journey

To get reviews, businesses need to focus on the customer journey and by following the steps below you can entice your customers to leave reviews. Collect those customer feedback, receive higher star ratings and enhance your business's reputation.

Understanding Google Reviews

Google reviews  helps people to leave their feedback and their experience after interacting with a business. These reviews are crucial because they showcase how consumers perceive and choose to engage with businesses. As a business owner reviews can help you to attract new customers, reduce your purchase cycle and reduce customer acquisition costs.

Spiegel Research Center: Roughly 95% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase.

Importance of Reviews:

Why Should You Target 100 Reviews? 

Here’s why a target of this number helps:  

Steps to Get Your First 100 Reviews

This can be a challenging  moment for businesses, establishing trust and credibility in the market. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve that milestone:

1. Request Reviews: 

Send an email or a message asking customers for a review after they've received and used your service. Timing matters when looking for feedback.

2. Mobile-Friendly Review Process: 

Make it as easy as possible for customers to leave a review. Direct links, clear instructions, and mobile-friendly interfaces can receive more responses.

3. Engage on Social Media: 

Actively post on social media and ask followers to share their experiences there.

4. Use Multiple Review Platforms: 

Sign up on popular review platforms related to your industry. Examples include Yelp, Google My Business or such review sites.

5. Leverage Existing Customers: 

If you have a list of loyal clients, reach out to them personally and ask them to leave a review.

6. Take Reviews In-Person: 

If you have a physical store or office, encourage visitors to leave a review using signage or by asking them at checkout.

7. Quality Matters: 

Ensure your  service is top-notch. Happy customers are more likely to leave favorable feedback.

8. Address Negative Feedback: 

If you receive any negative reviews, address them professionally and promptly. By doing so, you can turn a negative experience into a positive one. By  proactively working on your positive reviews, can reduce the impact of negative reviews. Here is a link to our calculator which helps you understand the impact of a negative review.

Understanding Your Customer Journey

Understanding your customer's journey is very essential for a small business. To do this effectively, it's important to understand when your customers interact with your business, so you can request feedback at the right moment. 

The customer journey defines the path that an individual takes with a business. Here's how it goes:

Repeating the process if they liked what they got, leading to loyalty.

Understanding this journey helps businesses know what customers are thinking and feeling at each stage, allowing them to better meet their needs.

How to Encourage Reviews at Each Touchpoint

1. Website Visits

2. Collect Reviews

3. In-Store Experience

4. Customer Service

5. After-Purchase

6. Feedback

By taking a tailored approach to each touchpoint, businesses can effectively encourage customers to share their experiences and gather valuable reviews.

Automating Your Review Process

While manually encouraging feedback at each touchpoint is effective, automating this process can save time and ensure consistency. This is where review management software comes into play.

1. Widgets for Website:

Easily embed widgets on your site that not only showcase positive feedback but also prompt visitors to leave their own feedback.

2. Turn Reviews into Social Media Posts: 

Our software lets you convert reviews into engaging social media content, bolstering your online reputation and encouraging more users to share.

3. Real-Time Collection:

The built-in QR code generator, you can create codes that directly link to review platforms, making it hassle-free for them.

4. Automate the collection process: 

Configure Freshreview for the review collection process, and set reminders to check in with customers about their experience.

This not only helps you to boost your business but also manage and enhance your small business.


Getting your first 100 reviews might seem tough, but by following the steps we've laid out, you're on the right track. To make things even easier, consider automating the process with a tool like Freshreview. Check out the free trial. We won't ask for your credit card. Start your hassle-free journey now !

Content Strategist
March 28, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Freshreview, and how does it work?

Freshreview is a cutting-edge software-as-a-service solution designed to facilitate the efficient gathering and management of customer reviews for businesses. It provides organizations with features to review collection, monitor, and display widgets.

2. How can Freshreview improve customer engagement?

 Freshreview provides insights into customer sentiment from online reviews and helps you make informed business decisions. 

3. Does Freshreview provides entirely White- label solutions?

We offer fully customizable White-label solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're a startup building your brand or an established business expanding your product portfolio, our solutions provide flexible scalability. Partner with us to access cutting-edge solutions that align perfectly with your brand's vision.

4. What support options are available if I need help?

Freshreview provides multiple support options for its users. You can reach out to our support team through live chat on our app and set up a meeting. We ensure that most support requests are answered quickly, and new features are added continuously. 

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