Google Reviews

Understanding Google Reviews - Guide for Business Owners

A guide for businesses to learn effective strategies to get more Google Reviews. The why’s and how’s of presenting your business in the best possible light.

Understanding Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are generic which means it can come from a variety of sources, can be hosted on various platforms like a business's own website, social media, or third-party review sites like Yelp and Facebook.

The best way to generate credibility and visibility is through customer reviews online. The first stop for most consumers before looking at any industry-specific listings is Google My Business. This is because with Google it’s easier to reach a more extensive customer base and enjoy a competitive advantage, businesses are focusing on creating optimized review listings on Google.

What Are Google Reviews?

Google Reviews are feedback left by customers about their experiences with businesses. These reviews appear on a business's Google My Business (GMB) listing, giving potential customers valuable insights into the quality of  services, and overall customer satisfaction. These reviews not only help to maintain your online reputation but helps with local SEO as well.

Screenshot of a Google Review
According to New reach agency, 93% of users have made buying decisions base.

Steps to Set Up Google My Business Profile:

Setting up Google My Business for reviews is a great way to enhance your online presence and reputation. Here are the short steps to get started:

  1. Create or Claim Your Business Listing: Go to the Google My Business website ( and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Verify Your Business: Google will send a verification code to your business address through mail. You'll receive a postcard with a unique code.
  3. Optimize Your Business Profile: Fill in all the necessary information, such as business name, address, phone number, website URL, working hours, and a brief description of your business.
  4. Enable Reviews: In your Google My Business dashboard, click on "Reviews" in the left-hand menu.
  5. Make sure the option to allow customers to leave reviews is turned on.

Reviews can significantly influence potential customers, so maintaining a positive and responsive presence on Google My Business is crucial for your online reputation.

Google Reviews: How Do They Work?

Google Business Profile is a user-driven platform that allows customers to share their experiences and opinions about businesses. It operates within Google Maps and the Google search ecosystem. Customers rate businesses using a star system and leave written feedback. These reviews are visible to anyone searching for the business, influencing potential customers' decisions. 

The more positive reviews a business accumulates, the higher its ranking and visibility in local search results. Businesses on Google also need to consider review recency, quantity, and the reviewer's credibility. Businesses can respond to reviews, engage with customers, and publicly address concerns. To see how these factors affect your business, try our Free Google Review Calculator.

Benefits of Google Review on Your Business:

There are many benefits of having an impactful Google review listing is for your business:

1. Social proof 

Reviews are highly influential on consumer behavior. Positive reviews can help attract more customers and increase revenue.

2. Better visibility 

Google considers reviews a mark of credibility and trustworthiness; the more reviews and ratings you have, the higher you will appear in Google Map Pack.. When a potential customer has reached your business's doorstep, loosing them due to insufficient reviews or mishandling negative reviews becomes an avoidable loss. 

3. Increased revenue

With a better online presence and trust-building social proof, you'll get more click-through rates, higher conversions, and a high turnover.

 The higher number of Google reviews and ratings are directly proportional to increasing your social proof and making your business more credible and trustworthy.

According to Power Reviews, 75% of  consumers consider review quantity the second most crucial factor when researching a business.

Google Business’ Influence on Search Engine/SEO

The impact of Google Business review on search engine visibility has been significant i.e. 75% of consumers make their buying decision after going through the business page. The four crucial factors that heavily influence a business's position in search listings:

1. Quantity of Reviews: 

A business with a substantial volume of recent positive Google reviews has a higher chance of appearing in Google's local "three-pack," which features the top three locations in a "Near Me" search. To generate and manage google reviews, it's essential to have a system in place for requesting them.

2. Timing of Reviews: 

Recent reviews are more credible than older ones that might contain outdated information. Reviews older than 3 months are not considered relevant. Collecting reviews on a scheduled basis instead of all at once builds a reliable record of customer experiences over time, instilling trust in potential customers.

3. Review Length: 

Longer reviews that provide detailed feedback are perceived as more trustworthy than shorter ones which can spread to 500 words. Ask customers for reviews who are capable of offering meaningful insights.

4. Customer Sentiment: 

Search engines evaluate the quality of a review based on the number of stars customers award. A higher average star rating like 4.3 star rating is better than a lower rating that significantly impacts the search result rankings. Therefore, it's crucial to encourage lots of positive ratings to maintain a high average score.

Leveraging Google Reviews for SEO

Google Reviews can impact a business's SEO efforts significantly. Positive reviews and higher ratings can improve a business's local search ranking, making it more visible to potential customers in local search results. Responding to reviews also signals to search engines that the business is actively engaging with customers, which can positively influence SEO rankings.

How Google Calculates Review Scores 

According to SEJ,  In Google’s business page the review score is derived from user ratings and various other factors such as rich snippets. 

This comprehensive calculation ensures that the overall score accurately represents the quality of the business or place. After receiving a new review, it might take approximately two weeks for the review score to be updated and reflect the latest feedback. 

If you want to calculate the average ratings on the accumulated feedback, use tools to calculate the reviews required on your Google Business Profile.

How to Ask for a Review?

Customer reviews on Google will make your business stand out and yield more convertible leads. But how do you get reviews? 

Start with asking for Reviews.

1. Simplicity: 

Make it as easy as possible for your customer to leave a review. Provide your customers a direct link or Google QR code scanner to the review page.

2. Politeness and Gratitude: 

Politely request them to share their experience and always express gratitude, regardless of whether the review is positive or negative. Responding to reviews shows the customers that you care for them.

3. Reinforce the Value: 

Appreciate customers to review you services and reinforce the value that you derive from their feedback to improve your services.

4. Offer Assistance: 

If the review process involves several steps, offer clear instructions on how to leave a review.

Review Request- What Should You Include?

An email is an excellent way to ask for reviews. It's convenient for the customer, not pushy or aggressive, and the whole process can be completely automated, saving you time, energy and money. Here's how to do it right:

1. Personalization is the key:

A Google review request should always be tailored to both the customer as well as your brand. Your review request should be instantly recognizable. Here are some parameters to adhere to:

2. Make It Easy:

Try to save them time by including a link to your Google business. If you use a review management solution it would be easier for you to ask your customers to leave a review.

3. Show Your Appreciation:

Start by expressing your appreciation for their business and support. It is good practice to be polite and show your gratitude to the customer for reviewing your local business and providing assurance.

You could also show your appreciation by incentivizing reviews with loyalty programs - like loyalty points they can use to get a discount. They are a great way to increase conversion and encourage repeat business.

4. Request Specific Feedback:

Encourage the customer to share their thoughts on Google business profile. Ask them to provide detailed feedback about what they liked, what could be improved, and any aspects they found valuable.

5. Invest in review management tools:

If you've tried multiple methods of getting customer reviews online and still haven't managed to appear on the page 1 local SEO results, don't worry. There's another comparatively simpler way to do that–a review generation tool. Online review management software like Freshreview helps to collect, manage and display reviews for your business easily. 

When Should You Ask for a Review?

Asking for a review should be done strategically to maximize the likelihood of receiving positive and meaningful feedback. Here are some suitable times to ask for reviews:

1. After a Positive Interaction: 

If a customer has just had a positive experience with your product or service, it's the moment to request a review. 

2. Upon Completion of a Transaction: 

If you run a service-based business, consider asking for a review right after the customer completes their purchase or receives your services. The experience will still be fresh in their mind, increasing the chances of a response.

3. After a Repeated Purchase or Engagement: 

For businesses with loyal customers or ongoing engagements, you can ask customers to leave reviews periodically, especially if you notice they have been consistently happy.

If the customer is happy, they would be more than happy to give 5-star Google reviews.

"A positive review has the potential to convert visitors into paying clients.”  With such reviews, you can answer a customer's questions and understand the customer’s sentiment.

By using reviews, you are putting your customers first and letting them know that you care about them.

Whom Should You Ask for Reviews?

Before you indulge in and send review requests to everybody on your database, look for your strongest brand advocates first. Consider these points:

Consistency is the key here. Review management software like Freshreview will help collect Google reviews on your website. But also remember that this may sometimes lead to negative feedback on certain occasions, which isn't necessarily bad. There are several ways to handle negative reviews about your business, but turning them into happy customers initially will get you started on a positive note.

How Should You Respond to Reviews?

Online reviews hold significant sway over consumer decisions for positive and negative reviews on your Google business profile, shaping their choices. By empathetically responding to Google reviews, businesses can turn unfavorable experiences into positive ones. Moreover, acknowledging and expressing appreciation for positive reviews fosters customer loyalty. Responding to positive reviews enhances reputation and strengthens rapport with customers. 

Responding to Google Reviews

The way you respond to reviews are important, it helps to mitigate any negative feedback and showcases your commitment to customer satisfaction. There are essential do's and don'ts to ensure a positive online reputation.


  1. Be Grateful: Always thank customers for their reviews, regardless of their sentiment, and show appreciation for their feedback.
  2. Personalize Responses: Address reviewers by their names and acknowledge specific points they mentioned in their reviews.
  3. Stay Professional: Maintain a courteous and professional tone in your responses, even when dealing with negative feedback.
  4. Address Concerns: Address any negative comments or issues raised in the review and offer solutions or apologies if necessary.
  5. Show Empathy: Demonstrate empathy towards customers' experiences, whether positive or negative.


  1. Get Defensive: Avoid being defensive or confrontational in your responses, especially to negative reviews.
  2. Ignore Reviews: Never ignore reviews, as this can create a negative impression of your business's customer service.
  3. Reveal Personal Information: Refrain from sharing personal or sensitive information in your responses.
  4. Use Offensive Language: Never use offensive language or be disrespectful towards reviewers, even if they are rude in their comments.
  5. Offering Incentives for Positive Reviews: Do not offer incentives in exchange for positive reviews, as it violates Google's policies and trust with customers.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage and enhance your online reputation, build customer trust, and foster a positive relationship with your audience.

Removing Negative Reviews

You cannot essentially remove negative reviews but can manage these negative reviews effectively, by taking certain measures. This can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates. Managing these reviews requires a delicate approach, just keep following points in mind:

By handling negative reviews gracefully, you can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates, showcasing your commitment to exceptional customer service and continuous improvement.

Key Takeaways

As you improve your rating, refrain from seeking shortcuts to persuade customers to positive reviews.

Manipulation will lead you to failure. Instead, work on managing your Google reviews and improving your Google business profile. Embrace authenticity in your approach, and let your dedication shine through. 

But don't just stop at the review collection. Make reviews an integral part of your broader marketing strategy, and you'll find that customer feedback soon becomes your most incredible sales pitch.

Try Freshreview's free trial to get more reviews! Get started today, credit card not required.

Founder & CEO
December 19, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Freshreview, and how does it work?

Freshreview is a cutting-edge software-as-a-service solution designed to facilitate the efficient gathering and management of customer reviews for businesses. It provides organizations with features to review collection, monitor, and display widgets.

2. How can Freshreview improve customer engagement?

 Freshreview provides insights into customer sentiment from online reviews and helps you make informed business decisions. 

3. Does Freshreview provides entirely White- label solutions?

We offer fully customizable White-label solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're a startup building your brand or an established business expanding your product portfolio, our solutions provide flexible scalability. Partner with us to access cutting-edge solutions that align perfectly with your brand's vision.

4. What support options are available if I need help?

Freshreview provides multiple support options for its users. You can reach out to our support team through live chat on our app and set up a meeting. We ensure that most support requests are answered quickly, and new features are added continuously. 

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